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Mindful Consumption: Making Intentional Choices

Mindful Consumption: Making Intentional Choices Mindful Consumption: Making Intentional Choices

Note: The following article was published in the September 01 issue of Simplify Magazine.

We often consider our food diet as the primary determinant of our health. And there is a lot of truth to that. What we eat determines quite a bit the physical body we live our lives in. But our “diet” extends beyond just what we eat.

Every day, we consume countless other things: the media we watch, the books we read, the conversations we engage in, the news we encounter, and even the thoughts we entertain. Just as the food we eat impacts our physical health, these other forms of consumption significantly influence our emotional, spiritual, and mental well-being.

And in a world overflowing with information and stimuli, being mindful of our consumption becomes ever more critical.

The choices we make about what to consume shapes our thoughts, attitudes, and ultimately our lives. And by practicing mindful consumption, we not only curate the external influences in our minds but we can also align our daily actions with our deeper values and goals. Mindful consumption may be one of the most important endeavors we can partake in.

Let’s explore how we can approach this concept with intentionality, making choices that lead us toward a more meaningful and fulfilling existence.

The Nature of Consumption

Just as our physical health is impacted by the nutrients (or lack thereof) in our food, our mental and emotional health is influenced by the quality and type of our mental inputs. But these effects are not always felt right away. The full negative impact of an unhealthy diet isn’t felt the first day, but over a lifetime the cumulative effect determines who we become.

Consider this: if we constantly consume negative news, we may begin to feel anxious or pessimistic about the world. If we follow social media accounts that promote unrealistic standards, we might start to feel inadequate or dissatisfied with our lives. Conversely, if we choose uplifting books, positive podcasts, life-giving spirituality, or meaningful conversations, we can foster a sense of hope, inspiration, and motivation. Not always the first day, but eventually … and always.

Our society, as you know, often equates consumption with identity—what we own, what we wear, and what we showcase on social media. However, our greatest fulfillment in life will never come from external accumulation, but from internal alignment. By choosing mindfully, we can focus on consuming what nourishes our soul and positively impacts our life trajectory rather than what merely fills our time or, even worse, takes us down a road where we don’t want to go.

But here’s the thing: Living with intention takes hard work and effort.

The Importance of Intentionality

Mindful consumption requires us to make deliberate choices rather than simply drifting along with the current of societal norms and expectations. It requires us to show up in our own lives every day.

It means taking a step back and evaluating what we allow into our lives, understanding that not all consumption is created equal. It requires us to boldly evaluate when others are choosing unwisely and make decisions for ourselves. The line at the fast-food drive-thru is longer than the checkout at the grocery store produce department, but one reaps long-term health, the other unhealth.

To live intentionally, we must first recognize that our life has value and is worthy of being lived well. And this is not an easy step for everyone.

More than that, we recognize that our life is a sum of our daily choices. Every day presents new opportunities to choose differently, to select what aligns with our values rather than what is convenient or popular. Every new day is also a responsibility, to choose intentionality over and over again. Because if we don’t choose intentionality every day, someone else will begin to steer the ship.

The foundation of mindful consumption begins with self-awareness. We must know who we are, what we value, what we want to accomplish, and whether our lives are moving in that direction. Once we have a clear understanding of these elements, we can make choices that support our goals and aspirations.

Practical Steps for Mindful Consumption

Before we go any further, I’d like to offer a list of different areas of life where we can apply mindful consumption (and how to do that):

1. Curate your media diet.

Just as we choose healthy foods, we can choose nourishing media. Seek out news sources that offer balanced perspectives. Follow social media accounts that inspire and uplift rather than provoke comparison and jealousy. Choose books, podcasts, and shows that align with your values and contribute to your growth.

2. Limit negative influences.

Negative influences are pervasive and often subtle. They can be found in the conversations we have, the content we consume, and even the environments we frequent. Identify these influences in your life and take steps to limit their impact. This might mean unfollowing certain social media accounts, avoiding gossip, or spending less time in environments or with people that drain your energy.

3. Engage in positive self-talk.

Not all things we consume come from the outside. The stories we tell ourselves are a crucial part of our mental diet. Practice positive self-talk by affirming your strengths, acknowledging your progress, and being compassionate with yourself. This shift in internal dialogue can dramatically impact your overall well-being.

4. Choose your companions wisely.

The people we spend time with significantly influence our mindset and attitudes. Surround yourself with individuals who support your values, encourage your growth, and challenge you to be better. These relationships are essential for a fulfilling and meaningful life.

5. Simplify your digital space.

Just as we declutter our physical spaces, we can simplify our digital lives. Unsubscribe from unnecessary newsletters, delete apps that distract rather than serve, and organize your digital files. This simplification reduces mental clutter and helps you focus on what’s truly important.

6. Be careful what television you consume.

Entertainment is more than passive. As I learned in my college film appreciation class, every produced piece of content communicates messages to us—sometimes unintentionally, but usually intentionally. And not all television shows and movies are beneficial. Focus more on what is good and less on what takes you away from the person you want to be.

7. Set boundaries for screen time.

Additionally, not just do we need to care about what we watch, but in our digital age, it’s easy to become consumed by screens. Set intentional boundaries for your screen time, whether it’s limiting time on social media, taking regular breaks from work emails, or designating screen-free times of day. This practice helps prevent burnout and promotes more meaningful offline interactions.

8. Prioritize quality over quantity.

Whether it’s the content you consume or the possessions you own, prioritize quality over quantity. Choose items and experiences that truly add value to your life rather than accumulating more for the sake of it. This approach fosters a deeper appreciation for what you have.

9. Reflect regularly.

Take time to reflect on your consumption habits regularly. Are they aligned with your values and goals? Are there areas where you can make changes? Reflection helps you stay intentional and make adjustments as needed.

The Benefits of Mindful Consumption

Embracing mindful consumption offers numerous benefits. It is not always easy to be intentional, but it is always worth the effort. It helps us feel more in control of our lives, reduces stress, and fosters a deeper connection with our true selves.

By making intentional choices about what we consume, we can:

  • Improve our mental clarity. We can think more clearly, make better decisions, and pursue our goals with greater intention.
  • Improve our emotional well-being. It helps us maintain a positive outlook and resilience in the face of challenges.
  • Strengthen our relationships. By choosing to engage with positive influences and supportive people, we can build stronger, more meaningful relationships.
  • Align with values. It allows us to live more authentically and purposefully, creating a life that reflects our true selves.
  • Accomplish more with our lives. Ultimately, by becoming more intentional with the things we choose to consume, we live bigger lives of purpose and meaning.

In a world that constantly bombards us with messages of more, more, more, mindful consumption offers a countercultural approach. It invites us to slow down, evaluate our choices, and prioritize what truly matters. By being intentional about what we consume—whether it’s food, media, relationships, or thoughts—we can cultivate a life of greater meaning and fulfillment.

May we all find the courage to make intentional choices and the wisdom to consume mindfully. The quality of our lives depends on it.

Simplify Magazine is a quarterly, digital magazine that I started in 2017 to highlight experts and topics not frequently covered here on Becoming Minimalist. To date, we have edited and published 30 issues of the magazine—each covering a different theme.

We just released the September 01, 2024 issue on the topic of Mindfulness. Since it’s founding, Simplify Magazine has offered lifetime subscriptions for a one-time payment of $20 (USD). You can join the community of over 250,000 readers right here.

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